"Go down deep enough into anything and you find Mathematics"
Dean Schlicter
At Michael Faraday we believe that every child can become a confident and skilled mathematician. Maths is essential, as it not only provides tools for understanding the world around us, but also helps cultivate wider problem-solving skills.
Maths is all around us and a deep understanding of mathematical concepts will help children to thrive. We use maths every day, from telling the time, planning routes and reading maps, calculating distances and time for travel, measuring ingredients when cooking, monitoring and understanding personal finances, such as saving and spending and so much more.
We want children to deeply understand number concepts and build on them through problem-solving and challenges. The world is always changing, and future mathematicians and scientists will face new problems. We aim to foster open-mindedness and a love of challenges, preparing our children for the future.
Children should leave Michael Faraday with a lifelong love of maths, feeling confident and excited to challenge their own ideas. Every child should see themselves as a mathematician, ready to overcome barriers and use their problem-solving skills to make a positive difference in the world.
What do we teach?
At our school, we use the Big Maths approach to teach the National Curriculum objectives in Maths. This engaging and structured programme focusses on developing key skills in a fun and interactive way. By emphasising daily practice and the understanding of number relationships, Big Maths helps children build confidence and fluency in their mathematical abilities. The approach also encourages problem-solving and critical thinking, equipping the children with essential skills that they can apply in real-life situations.
See below the National Curriculum objectives for each year group.
- Counting: Count reliably up to 20 objects, actions, or sounds.
- Number recognition: Recognise numbers from 1 to 20 and match them to the correct quantity.
- One-to-one correspondence: Understand that each object counted is one unit and can say how many there are altogether.
- Simple addition and subtraction: Use everyday situations to add and take away small numbers, such as using toys or snacks.
Numerical Patterns
- Understanding patterns: Recognise and create simple patterns using colours, shapes, or objects (e.g., red, blue, red, blue).
- Ordering numbers: Put numbers in the correct order from smallest to largest (up to 20) and understand what comes before and after a given number.
Shape, Space, and Measure
- Recognising shapes: Identify and name common 2D shapes (like circles, squares, and triangles) and 3D shapes (like cubes and spheres).
- Describing shapes: Describe the properties of shapes, such as how many sides or corners they have.
- Understanding size: Compare objects by size (big/small) and length (long/short) and use terms like taller and shorter.
- Measuring: Use everyday language to talk about measurement, such as weight and capacity (e.g., full/empty).
Comparing Quantities
- Comparing amounts: Compare two groups of objects and say which group has more, less, or the same amount.
- Using language of comparison: Use words like "more," "less," "equal," "heavier," and "lighter" to describe quantities and weights.
- Understanding time concepts: Talk about the different times of the day (morning, afternoon, evening) and the sequence of daily events.
- Recognising clock faces: Recognise and talk about the times on a clock, such as ‘o’clock’ and ‘half past.’
- Identifying coins: Recognise and name different coins (1p, 2p, 5p, 10p) and understand that money is used to buy things.
- Simple transactions: Role-play simple buying and selling scenarios to understand the concept of money exchange.
Year 1
Number and Place Value
- Count to 100: Count forwards and backwards to 100, starting from any number.
- Read and write numbers: Read and write numbers up to 20, and recognise numbers in different contexts.
- Understand 1-digit and 2-digit numbers: Recognise the value of each digit in a 2-digit number, such as knowing that in 25, the 2 represents 20.
Addition and Subtraction
- Add and subtract within 20: Add and subtract numbers up to 20 using objects, pictures, or numbers, and check their answers in different ways.
- Solve simple problems: Use addition and subtraction to solve simple problems and word questions.
Multiplication and Division
- Understand multiplication as repeated addition: Begin to understand multiplication by recognising it as adding the same number multiple times.
- Divide equally: Share small groups of objects equally and understand the concept of division.
- Recognise simple fractions: Identify and understand simple fractions like 1/2 and 1/4 using shapes and everyday objects.
- Find fractions of shapes: Show how shapes can be divided into equal parts, recognising what halves and quarters look like.
- Measure length and weight: Use everyday objects to measure length (in centimetres) and weight (in grams) and compare sizes.
- Tell the time: Recognise and tell the time to the hour and half-hour on analogue clocks.
- Identify and describe shapes: Recognise and describe 2D shapes (such as squares, circles, and triangles) and 3D shapes (like cubes and spheres) by their properties.
- Draw shapes: Create and draw simple shapes accurately, including recognising symmetry in shapes.
- Understand position and direction: Use everyday language to describe position and movement, such as ‘next to’, ‘behind’, and ‘in front of’.
- Collect and sort data: Gather information by asking questions and sort objects into groups based on their features.
- Create simple graphs: Make simple pictograms to show their data and understand what these graphs represent.
- Interpret data: Read and understand information from simple charts, using it to answer questions.
Year 2
Number and Place Value
- Understand numbers up to 100: Read, write, and understand numbers up to 100, recognising the value of each digit in a 2-digit number.
- Count forwards and backwards: Count in steps of 2, 5, and 10, both forwards and backwards.
Addition and Subtraction
- Add and subtract 2-digit numbers: Add and subtract numbers with up to 2 digits, using different methods that work best for them, such as using number lines or counting on fingers.
- Solve word problems: Use addition and subtraction to solve simple word problems.
Multiplication and Division
- Recognise and use multiplication: Understand the concept of multiplication as repeated addition and solve simple multiplication problems.
- Divide equally: Begin to understand division as sharing or grouping, dividing small numbers into equal parts.
- Recognise simple fractions: Identify and understand simple fractions such as 1/2 and 1/4, knowing what they represent.
- Find fractions of shapes: Recognise and find fractions of shapes, showing how they can be divided into equal parts.
- Measure length, weight, and capacity: Use standard units to measure length (centimetres and metres), weight (grams and kilograms), and capacity (litres and millilitres).
- Tell the time: Read and tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes on analogue and digital clocks.
- Recognise and describe shapes: Identify and describe 2D shapes (like circles, squares, and triangles) and 3D shapes (like cubes and spheres), discussing their properties.
- Draw shapes: Draw and create shapes accurately, including some that are symmetrical.
- Understand position and direction: Use everyday language to describe position, direction, and movement, including terms like ‘left’, ‘right’, ‘up’, and ‘down’.
- Collect and sort data: Gather data by asking questions and sorting information into groups.
- Present data visually: Create simple pictograms and block diagrams to represent the data they collect.
- Interpret data: Read and understand information from simple charts and graphs.
Year 3
Number and Place Value
- Understand numbers up to 1,000: Learn to read, write, and order numbers up to 1,000, recognising the value of each digit.
- Count in different steps: Count forwards and backwards in steps of 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, and 10.
Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division
- Add and subtract 3-digit numbers: Add and subtract numbers with up to 3 digits, using different methods that suit them best.
- Multiply and divide: Multiply and divide numbers by 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10, using both mental and written methods.
- Recognise fractions: Understand simple fractions such as 1/2, 1/3, and 1/4, and know what they represent.
- Compare and order fractions: Compare and order fractions with the same denominator, identifying which is larger or smaller.
- Measure length, weight, and volume: Measure and compare lengths in centimetres and metres, weight in grams and kilograms, and volume in litres and millilitres.
- Estimate measurements: Use estimation to check if measurements are sensible.
- Recognise 2D and 3D shapes: Identify and describe properties of 2D shapes (like squares, rectangles, and circles) and 3D shapes (like cubes, spheres, and cylinders).
- Draw and classify shapes: Draw shapes accurately and classify them based on properties such as the number of sides and angles.
- Understand angles: Recognise right angles and identify whether angles are greater or less than a right angle.
- Collect and present data: Gather data to answer questions and present it using simple charts and graphs, like bar charts and pictograms.
- Read and interpret data: Read and understand data from simple graphs and charts.
Ratio and Proportion
- Begin to understand ratios: Start to grasp the concept of ratios and how to compare different quantities.
Year 4
Number and Place Value
- Understand large numbers: Learn to read, write, and order numbers up to 10,000 and understand the value of each digit.
- Count in different steps: Count forwards and backwards in steps of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, including in tens and hundreds.
Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division
- Add and subtract larger numbers: Add and subtract numbers with up to 4 digits, using methods that work best for them.
- Multiply and divide: Multiply 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers and divide numbers with up to 4 digits by 1-digit numbers, understanding how to use remainders.
- Use mental maths: Improve mental calculation strategies for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
Fractions (Including Decimals)
- Understand fractions: Recognise and show simple fractions like 1/2, 1/4, and 3/4.
- Add and subtract fractions: Add and subtract fractions with the same denominator.
- Compare and order fractions: Compare and order fractions with the same denominator, and understand equivalent fractions.
- Measure length, weight, and volume: Measure and compare lengths in centimetres and metres, weight in grams and kilograms, and capacity in litres and millilitres.
- Estimate measurements: Use estimation to check if measurements are reasonable and to make calculations easier.
- Recognise 2D and 3D shapes: Identify and describe properties of 2D shapes (like squares, rectangles, and triangles) and 3D shapes (like cubes, spheres, and cones).
- Draw and classify shapes: Draw shapes accurately and classify them based on their properties, such as the number of sides and angles.
- Understand angles: Recognise right angles and identify whether angles are greater or less than a right angle.
- Collect and present data: Collect data to answer questions and present it using bar charts and pictograms.
- Read and interpret data: Read and interpret data from simple graphs and charts.
Ratio and Proportion
- Understand ratios: Begin to understand the concept of ratios and how they compare different quantities.
Year 4 children will be taking the national Times Tables Multiplication Check in the Summer Term. This is a short online test that assesses their recall of multiplication tables up to 12x12. It will take place in school over a set period and is designed to help monitor their progress in mathematics. Please support your child by practising their times tables at home to help them feel confident and prepared.
To see more information for parents, click on the link below:
Year 5
Number and Place Value
- Understand big numbers: Learn to read, write, and order numbers up to 1,000,000 and understand the value of each digit.
- Use negative numbers: Recognise and use negative numbers in real-life contexts, such as temperatures below zero.
- Count in large steps: Count forwards and backwards in steps of powers of 10 (like 10, 100, 1,000).
Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division
- Multiply larger numbers: Multiply numbers that have up to 4 digits by 1-digit numbers using efficient methods.
- Divide larger numbers: Divide numbers with up to 4 digits by 1-digit numbers, understanding the concept of remainders.
- Estimate answers: Use estimation strategies to check if answers are reasonable and to make calculations easier.
- Improve mental maths: Strengthen mental calculation skills for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
Fractions (Including Decimals and Percentages)
- Add and subtract fractions: Work with fractions that have different denominators, including mixed numbers.
- Multiply fractions: Multiply proper fractions by whole numbers and understand what this means.
- Understand decimals: Recognise and write decimals up to two decimal places, and link them to fractions.
- Calculate percentages: Find percentages of whole numbers in everyday situations and understand what they represent.
- Convert measurements: Change between different units of measure, such as converting kilometres to metres.
- Calculate area and perimeter: Find the area of rectangles and the perimeter of 2D shapes.
- Solve measurement problems: Tackle problems that involve measuring and converting different units.
- Draw and measure angles: Create and measure angles accurately, using a protractor.
- Recognise 3D shapes: Identify and describe properties of 3D shapes, such as edges, vertices, and faces.
- Classify shapes: Compare and classify different 2D shapes based on their properties, including symmetry.
- Use tables and graphs: Read and interpret data from tables and charts, including line graphs.
- Collect and present data: Collect data to answer questions and present it using appropriate formats like charts and graphs.
Ratio and Proportion
- Solve problems with ratios: Understand ratios and use them to solve problems involving proportions.
Year 6
Number and Place Value
- Understand and compare big numbers: Learn to read, write, and order numbers up to 10 million and know the value of each digit.
- Use negative numbers: Recognise and work with negative numbers in everyday situations.
- Count in large steps: Count forwards and backwards in steps of powers of 10 (like 10, 100, 1,000) for any number up to 1,000,000.
Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division
- Multiply big numbers: Multiply numbers that have up to 4 digits by two-digit numbers using written methods.
- Divide big numbers: Divide numbers that have up to 4 digits by two-digit numbers using written methods.
- Estimate answers: Use estimation to check if answers to calculations are reasonable.
- Do mental maths: Improve mental calculation skills, including adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing larger numbers.
Fractions (Including Decimals and Percentages)
- Simplify fractions: Learn how to simplify fractions using common factors.
- Understand fractions, decimals, and percentages: Know how to convert between fractions, decimals, and percentages.
- Add and subtract fractions: Work with fractions that have different denominators, including mixed numbers.
- Multiply fractions: Multiply proper fractions and mixed numbers by whole numbers.
- Calculate percentages: Find percentages of whole numbers in everyday situations.
- Convert measurements: Change between different units of measure (like converting metres to centimetres).
- Calculate area: Learn how to find the area of rectangles, triangles, and parallelograms.
- Estimate volume: Use blocks to build cuboids and estimate their volume.
- Solve measurement problems: Tackle problems that involve measuring and converting units.
- Draw shapes: Create 2D shapes using given sizes and angles.
- Recognise 3D shapes: Identify and build 3D shapes, including making nets.
- Work with angles: Understand and create angles of specific sizes.
- Classify shapes: Compare and classify different 2D shapes based on their properties.
- Use tables and graphs: Complete, read, and understand information in tables, including timetables.
- Interpret line graphs: Solve problems using information from line graphs to compare, sum, and find differences.
Ratio and Proportion
- Solve problems with ratios: Work on problems involving the sizes of two quantities using multiplication and division.
- Compare percentages: Tackle problems that involve calculating and comparing percentages.
Big Maths information for Parents/Carers
Click on the link below to see information for parents about Big Maths.