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Wrap Around Care & Magic Booking

Breakfast club:

We offer a breakfast club in the mornings from 8am. It is supervised by school staff in the school’s communal area and provides quality child care before school. The cost is £5 a day.

If you are interested and wish to place your child’s name on the waiting list, please contact the office. Payment for the Breakfast Club must be made in advance. 

After school provision: 

We run our own after school provision for the children of Michael Faraday until 6pm.

The cost is £13.50 a day if booked in advance.  The ad-hoc fee is £20 per day.   Fees must be paid via MagicBooking and must be paid in advance to reserve a space. 

Payments can be made:

  • In full by credit/debit card
  • In instalments by credit/debit card
  • Childcare Voucher/Tax Free Childcare – this type of payment can only be added to your account by school admin,  please inform us as soon as the payment is made

If you need further information, please contact the school at

Clubs & extra-curricular opportunities:  

The school is very proud to offer a range of extra-curricular activities after school either operated by staff or in conjunction with outside companies.  

Termly letters will be sent out with information about the opportunities on offer for that term. For more information about the current offer, please contact the school office.